What are the current lacrosse stick rules for women and high school players. How have the stick stringing specifications been simplified. What are the key measurements and requirements for legal lacrosse sticks.
The Evolution of Lacrosse Stick Regulations
Lacrosse stick rules have undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly for women’s and high school play. The governing bodies of lacrosse, including US Lacrosse, the NCAA, and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), have collaborated to simplify and standardize stick specifications. These changes aim to address concerns about stick stringing and ensure fair and safe play across all levels of the sport.
Key Changes in Stick Stringing Specifications
The simplified stick stringing specifications focus on three main areas:
- Limiting pocket depth
- Controlling the release point of the ball
- Preventing the ball from lodging within the stick head
These criteria are designed to maintain the safety and integrity of the women’s game. By ensuring that the ball can be dislodged with a normal checking motion and controlling the speed at which the ball exits the stick, the rules aim to promote fair play and reduce the risk of injury.
Measuring Stick Legality: What Officials Look For
Officials at all levels of women’s lacrosse are responsible for enforcing stick regulations. When checking stick legality, they focus on several key measurements:
- Overall stick length
- Head width at various points
- Sidewall string placement
- Pocket depth
Understanding these measurements is crucial for players, coaches, and manufacturers to ensure compliance with the rules.
Stick Length and Head Width Requirements
The rules specify precise measurements for lacrosse sticks:
- Short crosse: 40 to 42 inches
- Long crosse: 52 to 72 inches
- Goalkeeper’s crosse: 40 to 72 inches
- Head width at widest point: 6.5 to 10 inches (inside measurement)
- Goalkeeper’s stick head width: 10 to 12 inches (inside measurement)
The Importance of Proper Stick Stringing
Proper stick stringing is crucial for both performance and rule compliance. How does proper stringing affect play? It influences ball control, passing accuracy, and shot power. Players must ensure their sticks meet regulations while also optimizing performance within those constraints.
Manufacturers and stringers must balance these factors when designing and producing lacrosse sticks. The simplified rules aim to make this process more straightforward while maintaining the integrity of the game.
New Regulations for Shooting Strings and Sidewall Strings
Recent rule changes have placed restrictions on the placement and number of shooting strings and sidewall strings:
- Shooting strings must be located within 4 inches of the top of the crosse
- Only one sidewall string is allowed on each side of the stick
These changes aim to standardize stick performance and make illegal sticks easier to identify during inspections.
The 90-Degree Test
One key method officials use to check stick legality is the 90-degree test. How is this test performed? The official places the ball in the deepest part of the pocket, then tips the stick forward 90 degrees. If the ball rolls out of the top of the head, the stick passes this aspect of the inspection.
Implications for Players and Coaches
The simplified stick regulations have several implications for players and coaches:
- Increased need for awareness of current rules
- Potential adjustments to stick preferences and stringing techniques
- Greater consistency in stick checks across different levels of play
Coaches should educate their players about these rules to avoid penalties and ensure fair play.
The Role of Manufacturers in Compliance
Lacrosse equipment manufacturers play a crucial role in ensuring stick compliance. How are they adapting to the new regulations? Many are developing new stick models and stringing patterns that meet the updated specifications while still offering optimal performance.
Players and coaches should work closely with reputable manufacturers and stringers to ensure their sticks meet all current regulations.
Enforcement and Penalties for Illegal Sticks
Using an illegal stick in a game can result in severe penalties. What are the consequences of playing with an illegal stick? Depending on the level of play and specific violation, penalties can range from removing the stick from the game to player suspensions.
Officials may conduct random stick checks during games or before critical moments, such as after a goal is scored. Understanding and adhering to the rules is essential for avoiding these penalties and maintaining the integrity of the game.
Pre-Game Stick Checks
Many leagues and tournaments implement pre-game stick checks to ensure compliance. During these checks, officials inspect each player’s stick for adherence to all relevant regulations. This process helps prevent issues during gameplay and ensures a level playing field for all participants.
The Future of Lacrosse Stick Regulations
As the sport of lacrosse continues to evolve, stick regulations may undergo further changes. What potential changes might we see in the future? Some areas that could see updates include:
- Further standardization across different levels of play
- Integration of new materials and manufacturing techniques
- Adjustments based on player safety research
- Potential changes to address emerging playing styles or techniques
Players, coaches, and manufacturers should stay informed about any proposed rule changes and be prepared to adapt as necessary.
The Balance Between Tradition and Innovation
As lacrosse equipment evolves, there is an ongoing debate about balancing traditional aspects of the game with technological innovations. How can the sport maintain its core identity while embracing advancements in stick design and materials? This question will likely continue to shape discussions around stick regulations in the coming years.
Resources for Understanding Lacrosse Stick Rules
For those seeking to stay up-to-date on lacrosse stick regulations, several resources are available:
- Official rulebooks from US Lacrosse, NCAA, and NFHS
- Online tutorials and videos demonstrating proper stick measurements
- Clinics and workshops offered by lacrosse organizations
- Manufacturer guidelines and specifications
Regularly consulting these resources can help players, coaches, and officials ensure they are following the most current regulations.
The Importance of Rule Education
Education about stick rules is crucial for all participants in the sport of lacrosse. How can players and coaches stay informed about rule changes? Attending rules clinics, participating in online forums, and regularly reviewing official publications are all effective methods for staying current on stick regulations.
By prioritizing rule education, the lacrosse community can ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the game at all levels.
The Impact of Stick Regulations on Playing Style
Stick regulations can have a significant impact on how the game is played. How do changes in stick rules affect playing styles and strategies? Some potential effects include:
- Adjustments to shooting techniques
- Changes in ball control and cradling methods
- Shifts in defensive strategies to account for standardized stick performance
- Adaptations in passing techniques and accuracy
Coaches and players must be prepared to adapt their approaches as stick regulations evolve, ensuring they can perform at their best while staying within the rules.
The Role of Stick Regulations in Player Development
Stick regulations play a crucial role in player development, particularly at youth levels. How do these rules shape the skills and techniques young players learn? By standardizing stick performance, the rules encourage players to focus on fundamental skills rather than relying on equipment advantages. This approach can lead to more well-rounded players and a higher overall level of play as athletes progress through their careers.
International Perspectives on Lacrosse Stick Rules
While this article has focused primarily on regulations in the United States, it’s important to consider international perspectives on lacrosse stick rules. How do stick regulations vary across different countries and international competitions? Understanding these differences is crucial for players who may compete in international tournaments or play in leagues abroad.
The International Federation of Lacrosse (IFL) works to standardize rules across countries, but some variations may still exist. Players and coaches involved in international play should familiarize themselves with any differences in stick regulations to ensure compliance and fair play.
The Role of Technology in Stick Inspections
As technology advances, new tools and methods for inspecting lacrosse sticks may emerge. How might technology impact stick inspections in the future? Potential developments could include:
- Digital measurement tools for more precise and consistent inspections
- Automated systems for quick pre-game checks
- Advanced imaging techniques to assess internal stick structure
- Mobile apps to help players and coaches check stick legality
While traditional inspection methods remain the standard, the integration of technology could lead to more efficient and accurate stick checks in the future.
The Environmental Impact of Lacrosse Stick Regulations
As the sport of lacrosse grows and equipment regulations evolve, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of these changes. How do stick regulations affect the sustainability of lacrosse equipment? Some factors to consider include:
- The lifespan of sticks under current regulations
- The use of sustainable materials in stick manufacturing
- The potential for recycling or repurposing old sticks
- The environmental footprint of producing regulation-compliant sticks
As the lacrosse community becomes more environmentally conscious, these considerations may play a larger role in future discussions about stick regulations.
Balancing Performance and Sustainability
Manufacturers face the challenge of creating high-performance sticks that meet regulations while also considering environmental impact. How can the industry balance these competing priorities? Some potential approaches include:
- Developing eco-friendly materials that meet performance standards
- Implementing more sustainable manufacturing processes
- Creating programs for recycling or refurbishing old sticks
- Educating consumers about the environmental impact of their equipment choices
As the sport continues to grow, the lacrosse community has an opportunity to lead in combining athletic excellence with environmental responsibility.
The Economic Impact of Lacrosse Stick Regulations
Changes in stick regulations can have significant economic implications for players, teams, and manufacturers. How do rule changes affect the lacrosse equipment market? Some potential effects include:
- Increased demand for new, compliant sticks
- Shifts in manufacturing processes and costs
- Changes in pricing for regulation-compliant equipment
- Potential market advantages for manufacturers who quickly adapt to new rules
Understanding these economic factors is important for all stakeholders in the sport, from individual players to large equipment manufacturers.
The Cost of Compliance
For players and teams, staying compliant with stick regulations can represent a significant investment. How can players and teams manage the costs associated with equipment updates? Some strategies include:
- Budgeting for regular equipment updates
- Exploring cost-effective options that meet regulations
- Implementing equipment sharing or recycling programs within teams or leagues
- Seeking sponsorships or grants to offset equipment costs
By planning ahead and exploring various options, players and teams can manage the financial impact of evolving stick regulations.
The Role of Player Input in Stick Regulations
As the primary users of lacrosse sticks, players have valuable insights into how equipment regulations affect the game. How can player feedback be incorporated into the rule-making process? Some potential approaches include:
- Surveys and focus groups with players at various levels
- Player representation on rule-making committees
- Open forums for players to share their experiences and suggestions
- Collaboration between players and equipment manufacturers in product development
By actively seeking and incorporating player input, governing bodies can ensure that stick regulations serve the needs of those who use the equipment on the field.
Balancing Tradition and Player Preferences
One challenge in incorporating player input is balancing traditional aspects of the game with evolving player preferences. How can the sport maintain its core identity while adapting to changing player needs? This ongoing dialogue between tradition and innovation will likely continue to shape the future of lacrosse stick regulations.
As the sport of lacrosse continues to grow and evolve, stick regulations will undoubtedly continue to be a topic of discussion and refinement. By staying informed about current rules, understanding the reasons behind them, and actively participating in discussions about future changes, all members of the lacrosse community can contribute to the ongoing development of this exciting sport.
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It is very important that everyone knows the rules of the game. Not complying can result in a penalty that may have serious implications on the outcome of the game. Here are some important rules (please note that all rules at the bottom for crosses apply 2018 and moving forward).
2018 Points of Emphasis (they will be watching these things close)
- Shots at the Ends of Periods
- Slow Whistle
- Face-offs
- Mouthpieces
- New Crosse
Stick/Head Rules
The crosse shall be an overall fixed length of either 40 to 42 inches (short crosse) or 52 to 72 inches (long crosse), except for the goalkeeper’s crosse, which may be 40 to 72 inches long. The circumference of the crosse handle shall be no more than 3½ inches. The head of the crosse at its widest point shall measure between 6½ and 10 inches, inside measurement, at the top and the bottom of the wall. (See Figure 3) There shall be one crosse 10 to 12 inches, inside measurement at its widest point, at the top and bottom of the wall. This crosse shall be used by the required designated goalkeeper. The walls of any crosse shall not be more than 2 inches high. EXCEPTION: The gut wall.1-6-2: …With the ball in the crosse, horizontal to the ground at the deepest point of the pocket, tip the crosse forward 90 degrees to ensure that the ball rolls out of top end of the head
1-7-3: ART.3 . . . Any strings or leathers are limited to a hanging length of 2 inches. All hollow crosse handles must have their open end covered with an end cap manufactured for a lacrosse stick. In both cases, the crosse shall not be considered illegal; however, it shall be removed from the game until corrected.
Any additional strings or laces (e.g., shooting strings, V channels) must be located within 4” of the top of the crosse. No more than one side wall string on each side is allowed.
Beginning in 2018 (THIS YEAR!!!), minimum stick specifications shall be as follows:
The measurements for the crosse shall include:
Measurement from throat (inches) Minimum distance between narrowest point of head (inches) 1.25 3 (all measurements) 3. 0
3 (all measurements) 5.0 3.5 to 4 on front; 3.5 on back Widest point 6 (all measurements) NOTE: From the 1.25-inch measurement to the widest point of the crosse, the distance between the sidewalls of the crosse must be at least 3 inches.
Stick Stringing Specifications Simplified For Women’s Lacrosse — Florida Lacrosse News
Written on . Posted in Across The LAX World, Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, Parent’s Corner, Understanding The Rules.
via US Lacrosse press release – photo by John Strohsacker
SPARKS, Md. — Women’s game rules representatives from the NCAA, NFHS and US Lacrosse have collaborated with industry representatives to simplify the stick stringing specifications for women’s collegiate, high school and girls’ youth play for the 2018 season.
The changes were made to address growing concerns around stick stringing in the women’s game. US Lacrosse and the NCAA receive multiple inquiries from coaches, officials, players, and parents at all level of the games requesting help with measurements and clarifications of legality.
Both manufacturers and officials reference the technical specifications for stick stringing in the Youth, NFHS/USL and NCAA rulebooks in order to ensure that players are not using sticks that may result in unsafe or unfair play. Traditionally, the technical specifications have focused on limiting pocket depth, release point of the ball, and ensuring that the ball could not get lodged within the stick head. These criteria are based on the safety needs of the women’s game. If the ball is difficult to dislodge by a normal checking motion or the speed of the ball out of the stick is greatly increased those would impact the safe play of the game.
Over time, the rule language, in its focus on the technical criteria for stick stringing, has become highly detailed and subsequently, stick stringing has become very difficult for officials to consistently enforce. Officials at all levels of play in the women’s game have significant responsibilities associated with maintaining safe play, and the measuring and testing of sticks before and during games in order to ensure consistent enforcement and to ensure that are legal for play has become overly burdensome. The technical requirements have also created unnecessary confusion in the marketplace for players, particularly those who just entering the sport and looking to find sticks that they can buy inexpensively off the shelves, and use without requiring significant modifications before becoming legal or functional on the field.
The technical details have been replaced by performance criteria aimed to focus on function, while maintaining a basis for ensuring safe play.
While many of the technical specifications for stringing have evolved in the new rules, two requirements remain constant, pocket depth and shooting string parameters. The safe play of the women’s game is the ultimate priority for rules and consequently these two components were not changed. Based on studies and dialogue with manufacturers, these two pieces were identified as critical to maintain comparable speed and grip on the ball under the new regulations.
“Ultimately, the traditionally strung women’s stick will remain dominant in the women’s game; but we also believe that as the game grows across the country and more and more young girls are picking up sticks to play, we need specifications that allow for off-the-shelf playability and are easier for everyone to discern and maintain legal sticks, from game to game and season to season,” said Caitlin Kelley, senior manager of the women’s game for US Lacrosse. “We look forward to both innovation and less on-field burden to officials with these pared down requirements.”
“We feel confident that by continuing to align with US Lacrosse stick stringing requirements, these new changes will offer streamlining of the specifications and provide more consistency with stick checks,” said Jen Adams, chair of the NCAA Women’s Lacrosse Rules Committee and the head coach at Loyola (Md. ) University. “The simplification of stick stringing specifications will also be more understandable for officials, coaches and players who are not stringing experts.”
The new permissive specifications will encourage innovation and broader accessibility to sticks across all age and talent levels. It is difficult to find an entry-level stick for a female player that is ‘playing ready’ off the shelf and cost effective. The stick is a critical component of skill acquisition and was a high hurdle for growing the game and retaining new players. The new specifications ensure that stick rules put performance first in order to foster skill acquisition and enjoyment of the game.
Notable Takeaways
- Women’s sticks that are currently legal will remain legal
- Consumers may begin to see stringing that looks different. Mesh can be part of the pocket.
- The on-field pregame stick check will look at depth and movement on both the front and back facing side of the pocket now.