What are hail shafts. How do they form. What are the characteristics of hail shafts. How can meteorologists detect hail shafts. What are the impacts of hail shafts on weather and climate. How do hail shafts differ from other types of precipitation. What safety measures should be taken during hail shaft events.
The Nature and Formation of Hail Shafts
Hail shafts are a fascinating meteorological phenomenon that plays a significant role in severe weather events. These intense columns of precipitation are characterized by a combination of heavy rain and hail, accompanied by strong downdrafts. Understanding the mechanics behind hail shaft formation is crucial for meteorologists and weather enthusiasts alike.
How do hail shafts form. The process begins within powerful thunderstorms, particularly supercells, where strong updrafts lift water droplets high into the atmosphere. As these droplets reach colder altitudes, they freeze and begin to grow through collision with supercooled water droplets. The resulting hailstones become too heavy for the updraft to support and fall back towards the ground, creating a concentrated area of intense precipitation known as a hail shaft.
Key Factors in Hail Shaft Development
- Strong updrafts within thunderstorms
- Presence of supercooled water droplets
- Sufficient atmospheric instability
- Optimal temperature gradients
The size and intensity of hail shafts can vary greatly depending on atmospheric conditions. Some may span only a few hundred meters in diameter, while others can extend over several kilometers. The duration of these events is typically short-lived, lasting from a few minutes to half an hour, but their impact can be significant.
Characteristics and Identification of Hail Shafts
Identifying hail shafts is crucial for accurate weather forecasting and issuing timely warnings. These distinct weather features have several characteristics that set them apart from other types of precipitation.
Visual Indicators of Hail Shafts
- Dense, opaque curtain of precipitation
- Visible boundary between the hail shaft and surrounding air
- Often accompanied by a lowering cloud base or wall cloud
- Potential for rapid temperature drops in the affected area
What makes hail shafts unique compared to regular rainfall. The primary distinction lies in the intensity and concentration of the precipitation. Hail shafts are characterized by a sudden, localized downpour of both rain and hail, often appearing as a distinct column extending from the cloud base to the ground. This concentrated nature sets them apart from more widespread precipitation events.
Advanced Detection Methods for Hail Shafts
Meteorologists employ various sophisticated techniques to detect and track hail shafts. These methods are crucial for providing accurate forecasts and timely warnings to affected areas.
Dual-Wavelength Radar Technology
One of the most promising advancements in hail shaft detection is the use of dual-wavelength radar systems. How does this technology work. By utilizing two different radar wavelengths (typically S-band and X-band), meteorologists can analyze the ratio of echo powers to identify the boundaries of hail shafts with high precision.
The key to this method lies in examining the range derivative of the logarithm of the power ratio. In areas with only rain, this derivative is positive and proportional to the difference in attenuation at the smaller wavelength. However, when a hail shaft is present, the derivative can become negative on the far side of the shaft, providing a clear indicator of its presence.
Advantages of Dual-Wavelength Detection
- Higher sensitivity to smaller hail concentrations
- Less affected by attenuation issues
- Independent of absolute radar calibrations
- Capable of distinguishing hail shafts from intense rain
This innovative approach allows for more reliable hail shaft identification, even in complex weather systems with varying precipitation types and intensities.
The Impact of Hail Shafts on Weather and Climate
Hail shafts play a significant role in local weather patterns and can have broader implications for climate studies. Understanding their effects is crucial for meteorologists, climatologists, and policymakers alike.
Local Weather Effects
- Rapid temperature changes in affected areas
- Localized flooding due to intense precipitation
- Potential for wind gusts and microbursts
- Increased likelihood of lightning strikes
How do hail shafts contribute to severe weather events. The intense nature of hail shafts often leads to a rapid influx of cold air near the ground, creating strong temperature gradients. This can result in the development of powerful downdrafts and outflow boundaries, potentially triggering new thunderstorm development or exacerbating existing severe weather conditions.
Broader Climate Implications
While individual hail shaft events are localized, their cumulative effects can provide valuable insights into climate patterns and trends. Studying the frequency, intensity, and distribution of hail shafts over time can offer clues about changes in atmospheric stability, moisture content, and temperature profiles on a larger scale.
Safety Measures and Precautions During Hail Shaft Events
Given the intense nature of hail shafts, it’s crucial for individuals and communities to be prepared and take appropriate safety measures when these weather events occur.
Personal Safety Tips
- Seek shelter immediately in a sturdy building
- Stay away from windows and exterior walls
- If driving, pull over to a safe location and wait out the storm
- Use blankets or protective gear if shelter is not immediately available
What should you do if caught outdoors during a hail shaft event. The priority should be finding shelter as quickly as possible. If no buildings are available, look for natural shelters like dense trees or overhanging rocks. As a last resort, protect your head and face with your arms or any available materials to minimize the risk of injury from falling hailstones.
Community Preparedness
Communities in areas prone to severe thunderstorms and hail events should have emergency plans in place. This includes establishing warning systems, designating safe shelters, and educating residents about the dangers associated with hail shafts and other severe weather phenomena.
The Role of Hail Shafts in Atmospheric Research
Hail shafts provide valuable opportunities for atmospheric scientists to study complex weather processes. By analyzing these intense precipitation events, researchers can gain insights into cloud physics, storm dynamics, and the interplay between various atmospheric factors.
Key Research Areas
- Hail formation and growth processes
- Relationship between updraft strength and hail size
- Impact of environmental conditions on hail shaft development
- Interactions between hail shafts and surrounding air masses
How do scientists study hail shafts in the field. Research often involves deploying mobile radar units, launching weather balloons, and using specialized instruments to measure various atmospheric parameters within and around hail shafts. These observations are then combined with computer models to improve our understanding of these complex weather phenomena.
Implications for Weather Forecasting
The insights gained from hail shaft research have significant implications for improving weather forecasting capabilities. By refining our understanding of the conditions that lead to hail shaft formation, meteorologists can enhance their ability to predict severe weather events and issue more accurate and timely warnings to the public.
Economic and Environmental Consequences of Hail Shafts
While hail shafts are relatively short-lived weather events, their impact on both the economy and the environment can be substantial. Understanding these consequences is crucial for policymakers, insurance companies, and environmental scientists.
Economic Impacts
- Damage to crops and agricultural infrastructure
- Destruction of property, including vehicles and buildings
- Disruption of transportation and commerce
- Increased insurance claims and premiums in affected areas
What are the most vulnerable sectors to hail shaft damage. Agriculture is particularly susceptible, with hail capable of destroying entire crops in a matter of minutes. The automotive industry also faces significant challenges, as hail damage to vehicles can result in massive repair and replacement costs.
Environmental Effects
The environmental impact of hail shafts extends beyond immediate property damage. These events can lead to soil erosion, disrupt local ecosystems, and affect wildlife populations. In some cases, the intense precipitation associated with hail shafts can contribute to flash flooding, further exacerbating environmental concerns.
How do hail shafts influence local water cycles. The rapid influx of water and ice during a hail shaft event can temporarily alter local hydrology. This can lead to increased runoff, changes in soil moisture content, and potential impacts on groundwater recharge rates. Understanding these effects is crucial for managing water resources in regions prone to severe thunderstorms and hail events.
Long-term Considerations
As climate patterns continue to evolve, researchers are closely monitoring trends in hail shaft frequency and intensity. Changes in these patterns could have far-reaching implications for agriculture, urban planning, and insurance risk assessment. Adapting to these potential changes will require ongoing research and collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders.
The study of hail shafts remains an active and crucial area of meteorological research. As our understanding of these intense weather phenomena continues to grow, so too does our ability to predict, prepare for, and mitigate their impacts. From advancing radar technology to refining climate models, the insights gained from hail shaft research contribute to a broader understanding of atmospheric processes and severe weather dynamics.
Moving forward, interdisciplinary approaches that combine meteorology, climatology, economics, and environmental science will be essential in addressing the complex challenges posed by hail shafts and other severe weather events. By continuing to invest in research and technology, we can work towards more resilient communities and a deeper understanding of our ever-changing atmosphere.
hail shafts: meaning – WordSense Dictionary
see also hailshafts
hail shafts (English)
hail shafts
- Plural of hail shaft
This is the meaning of hail shaft:
hail shaft (English)
Alternative forms
hail shaft (pl. hail shafts)
- (weather) a region of intense rain and hail accompanied by a strong downdraft
Entries with “hail shafts”
hail shaft: see also hailshaft hail shaft (English) Alternative forms hailshaft hail-shaft Noun hail shaft (pl. hail shafts) (weather) a region of intense rain and hail accompanied by a…
hailshafts: see also hail shafts hailshafts (English) Noun hailshafts Alternative form of hail shafts; Plural of hailshaft
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hail storms
Plural of hail storm
hail’d (English)
(archaic) Simple past tense and…
hail- (Welsh)
IPA: /ˌhai̯l/
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hail-fellow (pl. hail-fellows)
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A Dual-Wavelength Radar Hail Detector on JSTOR
It is proposed that the range derivative of the logarithm of the ratio of average echo powers from two (Sand X-band) synchronized and slaved radars would yield a highly reliable indication of the boundaries of hail shafts. In the presence of rain alone, and ignoring fluctuations, this derivative would always be positive and proportional to the incremental difference in attenuation at the smaller wavelength. In general, the derivative has the same sign as the hail concentration gradient and attains negative values on the far side of a hail shaft. Without hail, signal fluctuations are the only possible source of negative derivatives, and so of false alarms. Thus, a small negative threshold level would avoid the identification of the effect of signal fluctuations at the far side of a hail shaft; similarly a large positive threshold would avoid identifying regions of intense rain as the near side of a hail shaft. This approach is capable of detecting smaller concentrations of hail with greater confidence and in larger backgrounds of non-hail precipitation than the use of the dualwavelength reflectivity ratio alone because 1) it requires a smaller hail reflectivity ratio, at the two wavelengths; 2) it is not affected significantly by attenuation, and 3) it is independent of absolute radar calibrations. The limitations of the technique are discussed.
Publisher Information
Founded in 1919, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) is the nation’s premier scientific and professional organization promoting and disseminating information about the atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic sciences. Our more than 13,000 members include scientists, researchers, educators, broadcast meteorologists, students, weather enthusiasts, and other professionals in the fields of weather, water, and climate.
AMS is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership organization, headquartered in the historic Harrison Gray Otis House in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood. We also have an office in Washington, DC, where we run our education and policy programs.
AMS is committed to strengthening the incredible work being done across the public, private, and academic sectors. Our community knows that collaboration and information sharing are critical to ensuring that society benefits from the best, most current scientific knowledge and understanding available.
㸯㰊楴汴㹥楐獣䰴慥湲湩⁼牆敥瀠潨潴潦摥捵瑡潩㱮琯瑩敬ਾ洼瑥慮敭∽潣祰楲桧≴挠湯整瑮∽敔档䰴慥湲湩Ⱨ䤠据〱㠹‱慓楄来楍獳潩摒Ⱞ匠極整ㄠ〲慓楄来Ɐ䌠⁁㈹〱∸⼠ਾ洼瑥慮敭∽敤捳楲瑰潩≮挠湯整瑮∽桔畯慳摮景挠灯特杩瑨映敲湡潣祰楲桧⁴牦敩摮祬椠慭敧湡桰瑯獯映牯琠慥档牥湡瑳摵湥獴∮⼠ਾ洼瑥慮敭∽潲潢獴•潣瑮湥㵴椢摮硥昬汯潬≷⼠ਾ洼瑥慮敭∽䍄琮瑩敬•潣瑮湥㵴吢捥㑨敌牡楮杮•㸯㰊敭慴渠浡㵥愢灰楬慣楴湯渭浡≥挠湯整瑮∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧⼠ਾ洼瑥慮敭∽獭灡汰捩瑡潩潣普杩•潣瑮湥㵴栢瑴獰⼺眯睷琮捥㑨敬牡楮杮挮浯甯敳晲汩獥椯慭敧琯汩獥戯潲獷牥潣普杩瀭捩㑳敬牡楮杮砮汭•㸯㰊楬歮爠汥∽桳牯捴瑵椠潣≮栠敲㵦⼢慦楶潣捩≯琠灹㵥椢慭敧砯椭潣≮⼠ਾ氼湩敲㵬愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣≮猠穩獥∽㜵㕸∷栠敲㵦愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣灩潨敮瀮杮•㸯㰊楬歮爠汥∽灡汰ⵥ潴捵捩湯•楳敺㵳㜢砲㈷•牨晥∽灡汰ⵥ潴捵捩湯椭慰湰≧⼠ਾ氼湩敲㵬愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣≮猠穩獥∽ㄱ破ㄱ∴栠敲㵦愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣灩潨敮⸴湰≧⼠ਾ氼湩敲㵬愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣≮猠穩獥∽㐱破㐱∴栠敲㵦愢灰敬琭畯档椭潣灩摡⸳湰≧⼠ਾ氼湩祴数∽整瑸振獳•敲㵬猢祴敬桳敥≴洠摥慩∽污≬栠敲㵦⼢潭畤敬⽳祳瑳浥搯晥畡瑬獣㽳∶⼠ਾ氼湩祴数∽整瑸振獳•敲㵬猢祴敬桳敥≴洠摥慩∽污≬栠敲㵦⼢楳整⽳污⽬桴浥獥洯牡湩汥楬猯祴敬挮獳猿瑩㵥楰獣水慥湲湩≧⼠ਾ氼湩敲㵬猢祴敬桳敥≴琠灹㵥琢硥⽴獣≳栠敲㵦⼢畣瑳浯慐敧⽳㑴卬祴敬獣桰㽰慰桴瀽捩㑳敬牡楮杮•㸯㰊栯慥㹤㰊潢祤ਾ搼癩椠㵤產楴楬楴獥㸢 搼癩椠㵤瀢楬歮≳ਾ†甼汣獡㵳氢湩獫瀠楲慭祲氭湩獫㸢 †氼汣獡㵳洢湥㤱‶楦獲≴㰾牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷整档水慥湲湩潣⽭•楴汴㵥吢捥㑨敌牡楮杮㸢敔档䰴慥湲湩㱧愯㰾氯㹩 †氼汣獡㵳洢湥㘱∷㰾牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷楷楸潣⽭•楴汴㵥圢硩敩㸢楗楸㱥愯㰾氯㹩 †氼汣獡㵳洢湥㘱∸㰾牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷桴捥敲瑡癩敥畤慣潴潣⽭•楴汴㵥䌢敲瑡癩摅捵瑡牯㸢牃慥楴敶䔠畤慣潴㱲愯㰾氯㹩 †氼汣獡㵳洢湥㘱‹捡楴敶㸢愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺眯睷瀮捩㑳敬牡楮杮挮浯∯琠瑩敬∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧挠慬獳∽捡楴敶㸢楐獣䰴慥湲湩㱧愯㰾氯㹩 †氼汣獡㵳洢湥㜱‰慬瑳㸢愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺琯慲楤杮潰瑳琮捥㑨敬牡楮杮挮浯∯琠瑩敬∽牔摡湩潐瑳㸢牔摡湩潐瑳⼼㹡⼼楬ਾ†⼼汵ਾ㰠搯癩ਾ㰠楤⁶摩∽㑴彬牰浩牡≹ਾ†愼栠敲㵦椢摮硥瀮灨瘿敩㵷浩条彥獵≥䤾慭敧唠敳⼼㹡 簠 㰠牨晥∽湩敤桰㽰楶睥愽潢瑵㸢扁畯㱴愯ਾ††愼栠敲㵦椢摮硥瀮灨瘿敩㵷敳牡档瑟灩≳匾慥捲楔獰⼼㹡 ⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ搼癩椠㵤瀢条≥ਾ㰠楤⁶摩∽敨摡牥灟捩㑳敬牡楮杮㸢 ⼼楤㹶 搼癩椠㵤琢水獟扵敭畮㸢 㰠牨晥∽∯䠾浯㱥愯ਾ㰠搯癩ਾ㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢潴晰潬瑡㸢 ⼼楤㹶 搼癩挠慬獳∽獬摩扥牡㸢 㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳搢晥畡瑬汢捯≫ਾ†㰠㉨匾慥捲㱨栯㸲 †搼癩挠慬獳∽汢捯捫湯整瑮㸢 †㰠汵挠慬獳∽敭畮㸢 †㰠甯㹬㰊潦浲椠㵤猢慥捲汢捯潦浲•慮敭∽潦浲∲洠瑥潨㵤朢瑥•捡楴湯∽湩敤桰≰ਾ㰠楤⁶ਾ†椼灮瑵琠灹㵥琢硥≴渠浡㵥焢敵祲•摩∽畱牥≹瘠污敵∽•猠祴敬∽楷瑤㩨ㄠ㈲硰•汣獡㵳昢牯整瑸•㸯 㰠湩異⁴祴数∽楨摤湥•慮敭∽敳牡档•慶畬㵥焢敳牡档•㸯 㰠湩異⁴祴数∽畳浢瑩•慶畬㵥䜢≯挠慬獳∽潦浲猭扵業≴⼠ਾ㰠瀯㰾㹰⼼楤㹶㰊是牯㹭 †⼼楤㹶 㰠搯癩ਾ†搼癩挠慬獳∽敤慦汵扴潬正㸢 †格㸲敗捬浯㱥栯㸲 †搼癩挠慬獳∽汢捯捫湯整瑮㸢 †㰠汵挠慬獳∽敭畮㸢 ††氼汣獡㵳氢慥楦獲≴㰾牨晥∽湩敤桰㽰楶睥戽潲獷≥琠瑩敬∽楖睥䌠汯敬瑣潩獮㸢楖睥䌠汯敬瑣潩獮⼼㹡⼼楬ਾ††㰠楬挠慬獳∽敬晡㸢愼栠敲㵦椢摮硥瀮灨瘿敩㵷摡獶慥捲≨琠瑩敬∽摁慶据摥匠慥捲≨䄾癤湡散敓牡档⼼㹡⼼楬ਾ††㰠楬挠慬獳∽敬晡氠獡≴㰾牨晥∽湩敤桰㽰楶睥氽獥潳獮•楴汴㵥䰢獥潳汐湡≳䰾獥潳汐湡㱳愯㰾氯㹩 †㰠甯㹬 †⼼楤㹶 㰠搯癩ਾ†搼癩挠慬獳∽敤慦汵扴潬正㸢 †格㸲⼼㉨ਾ†㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳戢潬正潣瑮湥≴ਾ††甼汣獡㵳洢湥≵ਾ††⼼汵ਾऊ㰉楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮ㄠ瀳⁸瀰⁸瀰⁸ㄭ瀰㭸•㰾牨晥∽甯汰慯桰≰㰾浩牳㵣⼢浩条獥振湯牴扩瑵彥㈰瀮杮•污㵴唢汰慯湡椠慭敧•楴汴㵥唢汰慯湡椠慭敧㸢⼼㹡⼼楤㹶ऊ㰉楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮ⴠ瀶⁸瀰⁸㔲硰〠硰∻愠楬湧∽番瑳晩≹㸠潃瑮楲畢整琠摥捵瑡潩♮獲畱㭯慬杲獥⁴浩条潣汬捥楴湯ਡ猼牴湯㹧愼栠敲㵦⼢灵潬摡瀮灨㸢桓牡湡椠慭敧琠摯祡⼼㹡⼼瑳潲杮ⰾ椠♴獲畱㭯畱捩湡慥祳㰮搯癩ਾउऊਉਊउ㰠ⴡⴭ䌠⁅呃獁ⴠⴭਾउ㰠捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰•牳㵣⼢獪爯湡潤䥭慭敧慂湮牥损獪㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾउ㰠捳楲瑰氠湡畧条㵥䨢癡卡牣灩≴ਾउ瘉牡愠牲楟慭敧䱳獩⁴‽彟敧剴湡潤䥭慭敧䱳獩䍴⡅㬩ऊउ慶湩彴敬杮桴㴠愠牲楟慭敧䱳獩敬杮桴उ瘉牡椠瑮牟湡潤䥭摮硥㴠瀠牡敳湉⡴䴠瑡慲摮浯⤨⨠椠瑮江湥瑧㬩ऊउ慶牡彲浩条‽牡彲浩条獥楌瑳⁛湩彴慲摮浯湉敤⁸㭝ऊउ潤畣敭瑮眮楲整 㰢楤⁶瑳汹㵥≜慭杲湩氭晥㩴〠硰※慭杲湩琭灯›〱硰尻㸢愼栠敲㵦≜•牡彲浩条孥崱⬠∠≜琠瑩敬尽∢⬠愠牲楟慭敧㉛⁝尢•慴杲瑥尽弢汢湡屫㸢椼杭猠捲尽∢⬠愠牲楟慭敧せ⁝尢•潢摲牥尽〢≜愠瑬尽∢⬠愠牲楟慭敧㉛⁝尢•楷瑤㵨≜㘱尰•㸯⼼㹡⼼楤㹶湜•㬩ऊ ⼼捳楲瑰ਾउ㰠楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮㈠瀵⁸瀰⁸瀰⁸瀰㭸㸢愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺眯睷瀮捩㑳敬牡楮杮挮浯㸢椼杭猠捲∽浩条獥瀯水獟影慢湮牥樮杰•楷瑤㵨ㄢ〶•敨杩瑨∽㘱∰愠瑬∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧琠瑩敬∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧㸯⼼㹡⼼楤㹶ऊ 搼癩猠祴敬∽慭杲湩›ㄭ〷硰〠硰〠硰〠硰∻㰾浩牳㵣朢晩眯楨整ㅟ硰朮晩•楷瑤㵨ㄢ〷•敨杩瑨∽㜱∰愠瑬∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧琠瑩敬∽楐獣䰴慥湲湩≧㸯⼼㹡⼼楤㹶ऊ †㰠搯癩ਾ†⼼楤㹶 ⼼楤㹶 搼癩挠慬獳∽潣瑮湥≴ਾ†搼癩椠㵤瀢楲慭祲•瑳汹㵥眢摩桴›㈷瀵㭸㸢 †搼癩挠慬獳∽楳杮敬慰敧㸢 †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳渢摯≥ਾ††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢湯整瑮㸢㰊慴汢楷瑤㵨㜢〳硰㸢 㰠牴ਾ††琼楷瑤㵨㔢〳硰•慶楬湧∽潴≰ਾ†††㰠楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮〠硰〠硰㔠硰〠硰∻ਾ†††††琼扡敬眠摩桴∽㌵瀰≸栠楥桧㵴㈢〲硰•瑳汹㵥戢捡杫潲湵ⵤ浩条㩥牵⡬椯慭敧⽳㑰彬〴⸴灪⥧戻捡杫潲湵ⵤ敲数瑡渺ⵯ敲数瑡戻捡杫潲湵ⵤ潰楳楴湯挺湥整散瑮牥※楷瑤㩨㌵瀰㭸栠楥桧㩴㈲瀰㭸㸢 ††††††㰠牴ਾ††††††††琼慶楬湧∽潴≰㰾楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮㈠瀵⁸瀰⁸〱硰㈠瀵㭸㸢格‱汣獡㵳栢扵灳瑯琠水睟楨整㸢潏獰㰡牢⼠吾慨⁴潤獥♮獲畱㭯⁴敳浥琠硥獩⼼ㅨ㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩猠祴敬∽慭杲湩›瀰⁸瀰⁸〲硰㌠瀰㭸•汣獡㵳琢水睟楨整琠水扟杩㸢牔⁹桴敳牡档漠桴敬瑦楬歮敢潬ⱷ漠潦浲戼㸯湯琠敨爠杩瑨琠敬癡敦摥慢正漠潨⁷敷挠湡戼㸯浩牰癯潹牵倠捩㑳敌牡楮杮攠灸牥敩据⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠琯㹤 ††††††㰠琯㹲 †††††㰠琯扡敬ਾ†††⼼楤㹶 ††㰠楤⁶污杩㵮挢湥整≲ਾ††㰉慴汢楷瑤㵨㔢〳硰㸢 ††††㰠牴ਾ††††††琼楷瑤㵨ㄢ㘰硰•慶楬湧∽潴≰愠楬湧∽散瑮牥㸢愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴湁浩污≳㰾浩牳㵣⼢浩条獥㐯㐰慟楮慭獬樮杰•污㵴䠢浵業杮楢摲•楴汴㵥䄢楮慭獬•楷瑤㵨ㄢ㌰硰㸢⼼㹡†愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴湁浩污≳㰾瑳潲杮䄾楮慭獬⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯㰾琯㹤 †††††㰠摴眠摩桴∽〱瀶≸瘠污杩㵮琢灯•污杩㵮挢湥整≲㰾牨晥∽㼯楶睥猽扵挦瑡䘽潯≤㰾浩牳㵣⼢浩条獥㐯㐰晟潯灪≧愠瑬∽牆極≴琠瑩敬∽潆摯•楷瑤㵨ㄢ㌰硰㸢⼼㹡†愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴潆摯㸢猼牴湯㹧潆摯⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯㰾琯㹤 †††††㰠摴眠摩桴∽〱瀶≸瘠污杩㵮琢灯•污杩㵮挢湥整≲㰾牨晥∽㼯楶睥猽扵挦瑡䔽畤慣楴湯㸢椼杭猠捲∽椯慭敧⽳〴弴摥捵瑡潩灪≧愠瑬∽潂⁹獵湩慬瑰灯•楴汴㵥䔢畤慣楴湯•楷瑤㵨ㄢ㌰硰㸢⼼㹡†愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴摅捵瑡潩≮㰾瑳潲杮䔾畤慣楴湯⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯㰾琯㹤 †††††㰠摴眠摩桴∽〱瀶≸瘠污杩㵮琢灯•污杩㵮挢湥整≲㰾牨晥∽㼯楶睥猽扵挦瑡匽慰散㸢椼杭猠捲∽椯慭敧⽳〴弴灳捡灪≧愠瑬∽桓瑵汴楬瑦景≦琠瑩敬∽灓捡≥眠摩桴∽〱瀳≸㰾愯‾㰠牨晥∽㼯楶睥猽扵挦瑡匽慰散㸢猼牴湯㹧灓捡㱥猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡⼼摴ਾ††††††琼楷瑤㵨ㄢ㘰硰•慶楬湧∽潴≰愠楬湧∽散瑮牥㸢愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴潃湵牴敩≳㰾浩牳㵣⼢浩条獥㐯㐰损畯瑮楲獥樮杰•污㵴吢橡䴠桡污•楴汴㵥䌢畯瑮楲獥•楷瑤㵨ㄢ㌰硰㸢⼼㹡†愼栠敲㵦⼢瘿敩㵷畳♢慣㵴潃湵牴敩≳㰾瑳潲杮䌾畯瑮楲獥⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯㰾琯㹤 ††††㰠琯㹲 †††㰠琯扡敬ਾ†††⼼楤㹶 †㰠琯㹤 †㰠摴眠摩桴∽〲硰•慶楬湧∽潴≰☾扮灳㰻琯㹤 †㰠摴眠摩桴∽㠱瀰≸瘠污杩㵮琢灯㸢 ††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳栢汩瑩䉥牡∲猠祴敬∽慭杲湩›瀰⁸〱硰〠硰ㄠ瀷㭸㸢 ††††㰠楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮ⴠ瀵⁸瀰⁸㔭硰ㄠ瀰㭸㸢格′汣獡㵳栢扵灳瑯朠敲㍹∳䘾敥扤捡愦灭※畑獥楴湯㱳栯㸲⼼楤㹶 ††††㰠楤⁶瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮〠硰〠硰ⴠ瀱⁸〱硰∻ਾ†††††††昼牯慮敭∽潣瑮捡晴牯≭洠瑥潨㵤瀢獯≴愠瑣潩㵮㐢㐰浥楡桰≰ਾ†††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽㑴彬浳污牧祥㘶戠汯≤举浡㱥搯癩ਾ†††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥琢硥≴渠浡㵥昢物瑳湟浡≥瘠污敵∽•楳敺∽㤱•汣獡㵳愢祮潆浲楆汥≤ਾ†††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽㑴彬浳污牧祥㘶戠汯≤猠祴敬∽慭杲湩琭灯›瀳㭸㸢浅楡㱬搯癩ਾ†††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥琢硥≴渠浡㵥攢慭汩•慶畬㵥∢猠穩㵥ㄢ∹挠慬獳∽湡䙹牯䙭敩摬㸢 ††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳琢水獟慭汬朠敲㙹‶潢摬•瑳汹㵥洢牡楧潴㩰㌠硰∻䌾浯敭瑮㱳搯癩ਾ†††††††琼硥慴敲慮敭∽潣浭湥獴•潲獷∽∶挠汯㵳㈢∱挠慬獳∽湡䙹牯䙭敩摬㸢⼼整瑸牡慥ਾ†††††††搼癩猠祴敬∽慭杲湩›〱硰ㄠ瀰⁸〱硰〠硰∻愠楬湧∽楲桧≴ਾ†††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥猢扵業≴瘠污敵∽渦獢㭰畓浢瑩䌠浯敭瑮渦獢㭰•汣獡㵳戢瑵潴≮漠䍮楬正∽〴攴慭汩瀮灨•㸯 ††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††⼼潦浲ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††㰠搯癩ਾ†搼癩挠慬獳∽潢摬琠水獟慭汬牧祥㘶•瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮ㄠ瀵⁸瀰⁸瀰⁸㔳硰∻倾楲慶祣倠汯捩㱹搯癩ਾ†搼癩挠慬獳∽㑴彬浳污牧祥㘶•瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮〠硰㈠瀵⁸瀰⁸㔳硰∻㸠敔档䰴慥湲湩Ⱨ䤠据楷汬渠瑯猠汥牯氠慥敳礠畯数獲湯污椠普牯慭楴湯汁数獲湯污椠普牯慭楴湯瀠潲楶敤楷汬戠獵摥漠汮⁹祢吠捥㑨敌牡楮杮爠灥敲敳瑮瑡癩獥㰮搯癩‾ 㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳琢水獟慭汬朠敲㙹‶潢摬•瑳汹㵥洢牡楧㩮ㄠ瀰⁸㔲硰〠硰㌠瀵㭸•污杩㵮爢杩瑨㸢愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷整档水慥湲湩潣⽭㑴⽬牰癩捡≹琠牡敧㵴弢汢湡≫☾獲煡潵※楆摮漠瑵洠牯㱥愯㰾搯癩ਾ††⼼摴ਾ†⼼牴ਾ⼼慴汢㹥††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楤㹶 †⼼楤㹶 †格㸯 㰠搯癩ਾ†格㸯 㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 ⼼楤㹶 戼汣獡㵳挢敬牡•㸯㰊搯癩ਾ格㸯㰊楤⁶摩∽潦瑯牥㸢 搼癩愠楬湧∽散瑮牥㸢椼杭猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯敲潳牵散整档水慥湲湩潣⽭睷⽷浩条獥搯癩摩牥㥟㔲瀮杮•楷瑤㵨㤢㔲•敨杩瑨∽∱⼠㰾搯癩ਾ㰠楤㹶渦獢㭰⼼楤㹶 搼癩愠楬湧∽散瑮牥㸢 㰠牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷整档水慥湲湩潣⽭㑴⽬潣瑮捡≴㰾瑳潲杮䌾湯慴瑣吠捥㑨敌牡楮杮⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯ਾ††潴汬映敲猼牴湯㹧㜸ⴷ㌸ⴴ㐵㌵⼼瑳潲杮ਾ††桰湯猼牴湯㹧ㄶⴹ㘵ⴳ㌵㠴⼼瑳潲杮ਾ††慦⁸猼牴湯㹧ㄶⴹ㠲ⴳㄸ㘷⼼瑳潲杮ਾ††〱㠹‱慓楄来楍獳潩摒Ⱞ匠極整ㄠ〲慓楄来Ɐ䌠⁁㈹〱ਸ㰠搯癩ਾ㰠楤㹶渦獢㭰⼼楤㹶 搼癩ਾ†愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺眯睷琮捥㑨敬牡楮杮挮浯∯㰾瑳潲杮䠾浯㱥猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡 簠 㰠牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷整档水慥湲湩潣⽭㑴⽬牰癩捡≹㰾瑳潲杮倾楲慶祣倠汯捩㱹猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡 簠 ☠潣祰㈻㈰‱敔档䰴慥湲湩Ⱨ䤠据汁楲桧獴爠獥牥敶 ⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾℼⴭ䜠潯汧湁污瑹捩ⴭਾ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴猠捲∽獪琯条楬歮䝳潯汧䅥慮祬楴獣樮≳㰾猯牣灩㹴㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢瘊牡张慧ⁱ‽束煡簠⁼嵛束煡瀮獵⡨❛獟瑥捁潣湵❴唧ⵁㄴ㜵㘰ⴷ✲⥝束煡瀮獵⡨❛獟瑥潄慭湩慎敭Ⱗ✠瀮捩㑳敬牡楮杮挮浯崧㬩弊慧異桳嬨弧牴捡偫条癥敩❷⥝昨湵瑣潩⡮ 慶慧㴠搠捯浵湥牣慥整汅浥湥⡴猧牣灩❴㬩朠祴数㴠✠整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴※慧愮祳据㴠琠畲㭥朊牳‽✨瑨灴㩳‧㴽搠捯浵湥潬慣楴湯瀮潲潴潣‿栧瑴獰⼺猯汳‧›栧瑴獰⼺眯睷⤧⬠✠朮潯汧ⵥ湡污瑹捩潣⽭慧樮❳慶‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥獴祂慔乧浡⡥猧牣灩❴嬩崰※慰敲瑮潎敤椮獮牥䉴晥牯⡥慧⥳⥽⤨⼼捳楲瑰ਾ⼼潢祤ਾ⼼瑨汭ਾ
Why Skies Turn Green in Thunderstorms | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel
You may have seen an approaching thunderstorm turn parts of the sky a rather creepy shade of green or bluish green.
One example of a green sky was seen in the western suburbs of St. Louis on Tuesday as severe weather rolled through the area. The Weather Channel Facebook friend Nathan Pflantz shared with us this astonishing photo from Chesterfield, Missouri.
A green sky associated with an approaching line of thunderstorms in Chesterfield, Missouri, on April 26, 2016.
(Nathan Pflantz/Facebook)
Given the rarity, one can understand the increased sense of foreboding, apart from the already dark sky and, usually, claps of thunder.
But is this a green sky a sign of an impending tornado or huge hail?
It’s Not Easy Being Green
As it turns out, a greenish sky is not necessarily a sign of either, despite some existing folklore to the contrary.
However, the exact cause of this is still subject to debate today.
A 1993 study from Penn State University contends that there simply needs to be a strong thunderstorm with a large volume of precipitation and the right alignment of the sun and thunderstorm to turn the sky green. Researchers calculated hail’s contribution to the green color was actually small.
The study’s authors, Dr. Craig Bohren and Dr. Alistair Fraser, offered two theories.
Bohren submitted that sunlight behind the thunderstorm is attenuated and scattered by the rain and/or hail shaft to yield a bluish hue. If this thunderstorm occurs around sunrise or sunset, when the sun takes on a more red/orange/yellow look thanks to a longer trip of the sun’s rays through the atmosphere, that thunderstorm could instead look more green.
Fraser, on the other hand, suggests sunlight ahead of the storm is the key. The sun shining on a thunderstorm with the combination of sunlight scattering in clear air – typically yielding blue sky – and the red/orange/yellow colors of a sun low on the horizon can lead to the greenish sky, Fraser wrote
Above: An approaching hailstorm in Wylie, Texas on April 12, 2016, takes on a bluish-green hue.
Another study three years later headed by Dr. Frank Gallagher at the University of Oklahoma and co-authored with Bohren analyzed data from a color photospectrometer and also found the absorption of sunlight from a setting or rising sun by rain and hail could lead to a green sky.
Gallagher claimed that hail cannot possibly produce the green sky, but the size of the drops dictate the exact shade of green. Namely, smaller (larger) drops lead to a blue-green (yellow-green) sky.
In fact, it’s possible, according to Gallagher, that all thunderstorms have some greenish tint at some time in their life cycle, but that they’re not often seen at the time.
There is no correlation between green skies and tornadoes, but The Weather Channel severe weather expert Dr. Greg Forbes has had two prior experiences with “green sky tornadoes”.
“One of the green thunderstorms I’ve seen was tornadic, striking my hometown of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, in 1976,” wrote Forbes in an internal memo.
“I saw one from inside the cloud on an aircraft in 1977 that had a funnel cloud. I’ve seen others that had a turquoise tint that didn’t have reported severe weather.”
We would love to see your photos of green skies. Share them with us on Facebook, on Twitter, or upload them to us at weather.com/photos.
MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Shelf and Roll Clouds
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Hail is both destructive to vegetation and manmade structures. Hail is classified as severe by the National
Weather Service if it is equal to or greater than 1″ in diameter.
Strong winds make these darting spheres
of ice even more damaging. It is difficult to pin point where exactly a
large hail shaft will strike just
as it is difficult to predict where
tornadoes will exactly occur. However, the general region where hail
can be expected is very predictable. Hail occurs in association with thunderstorms, particularly
supercell thunderstorms. Below are factors to consider when trying to forecast for the likeliness and size of hail.
Higher elevation areas are closer to the cold layers of the upper atmosphere. When a hail stone falls,
it rapidly begins to melt when the environmental temperature rises above freezing. If the hailstone has
to fall through a deep layer of warm air, it will melt from the outside in, turning into non-damaging
raindrops or decreasing significantly in size. Mountainous regions and the High Plains of the United
States have the highest number of hail days per year. Small hail which would normally melt before
reaching the surface in a low elevation area reaches the surface in high elevation area. Storms do
not need to be as severe in the lee of the Rockies as in lower elevation areas for hail
to reach the surface.
The freezing level determines the depth of the atmosphere that is above freezing. If the freezing level is
high in the atmosphere, hailstones will have more time to melt than if the freezing level is close to the
surface. A high freezing level also decreases the vertical depth in which hailstone formation and growth is possible.
The freezing level depends on elevation, the season, and the temperature profile of the atmosphere.
High elevation areas will have relatively low freezing levels in all seasons. For low elevation areas a
general rule to follow is: If the freezing level is closer to the surface than 650 millibars, strong
thunderstorms have a good probability of producing hail that will reach the surface. The freezing level can
be found readily by examining the morning or afternoon Skew-T Log-P plot or forecast sounding.
The wet bulb zero level is defined as the freezing level that will result due to
evaporative cooling. The freezing
level will lower if there is dry air in the mid-levels of the atmosphere. This occurs due to evaporative cooling
of environmental air that entrains into a thunderstorm. This same entrainment can also produce strong and
gusty surface winds. Dry mid-levels are common in the Great Plains. This is another factor that leads to many hail
days in this region of the U.S.
This is the most important factor in determining hail size. CAPES under 1000 J/kg generally produce borderline
severe hail (near 3/4″ or less) while CAPES over 2000 J/kg can produce very large hailstones. High CAPES lead
to high upward vertical velocities within a thunderstorm. High UVV’s can suspend hailstones and add layers of
ice onto already developed hailstones. The amount of CAPE can be approximated by modifying the morning Skew-T
sounding for that day. In many cases this is executed by changing the surface temperature and
dewpoint to fit
current observations. Forecast model soundings can also be examined for changes in CAPE during the day.
Strong upper level winds allow CAPE to be maximized to its fullest potential. Strong upper level winds tilt the
updraft of developing thunderstorms. This allows the
updraft and downdraft to be separated from each other. This
produces higher UVV’s in the updraft.
The weight of moisture and water will influence the strength of the updraft. High moisture soundings result in water
loading. CAPE is reduced with water loading since the force of
gravity pushes down on the liquid water drops.
Precipitable water values of less than 1.0″ will not be nearly as influenced by water loading than if precipitable
water values are above 1.5″. Lower precipitable water values have the potential to produce large hailstones when
significant CAPE is present. Low precipitation supercells are notorious for producing large hail. In
the lee of the Rockies, PW is climatologically low, adding to the hail potential.
—– consensus —–
Hailstone size is maximized by high elevation, low freezing levels, low PW, dry mid-level air, high CAPE, and large wind
shear. The region of the country that these factors come together the most are in
the High/Great Plains of the US.
Hailstone size is minimized by low elevation, high freezing levels, water loading (high PW), moist mid-levels,
low CAPE, and weak wind shear.
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The Brine Mantra Hail Women’s Lacrosse Shaft has everything a girl needs to dominate the other team’s goalie. The Mantra Hail Shaft is made with the classic octagonal shape and has a comfort-grip finish that provides an excellent grip. This Shaft also has a mid-sized diameter that maximizes stick control without adding weight. The super light Composite technology makes this one of the lightest composite handles for Brine. Overall, the Brine Mantra Hail Women’s Lacrosse Shaft is a great choice for any beginner lacrosse player who wants a lightweight and consistent shaft to start themselves off.
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Theater Gradsky Hall, Moscow – Afisha-Theaters
It’s nice to be a discoverer))
So. Many impressions of this place.
About the building. Made with a soul, and with a man’s. Everything is thought out, everything is practical and concise. Convenient non-slippery steps, comfortable doors, there is an equipped entrance and a toilet for special guests of any opportunity. Inside, the interior is quite cold and austere (again, masculine). Perhaps there are not enough big flowers or small trees … Something alive….
A beautiful fence with the letter “A” (there is one on the chairs in the sideboard too;))
The name of the Hall glows with incomprehensible colors (in the sense that it is not clear how strange this glow is) … , not light green ..
Hall. It is compact, small, you can see it well from everywhere, the seats are comfortable and very modern.
Lighting. It is difficult to describe in words for a layman. Then they got confused! They probably have all the latest lighting bells and whistles. There are so many of them that sometimes it feels like there are too many.
* We were with a friend at the first concert of the classics, they had an idea to combine music with light, but the realization hit everyone in the eye. Literally. We sat with our eyes closed for half of the event. Take glasses with dark glasses with you!)))
And they blew smoke into the hall during the whole concert so that the light show would impress everyone. (Impressed, definitely)) But people with breathing problems need to keep this smoke in mind.
Very strange feeling during this classical concert. It looked like a classic, but the unusual laser accompaniment distracted from the music, the musicians were hard to see because of the smoke.And the riot of light-color together with the smoke resembled a disco))).
We hope that the organizers consulted with the color therapists, otherwise the Japanese case of “Pokemon Shock” came to mind.
There is a very strict and even spiteful prescription about gadgets before the start of the event .. can I make it a little kinder?
Personnel. Pleasant. The security, cloakroom and buffet staff are friendly, open and friendly. The domovoy is very worried that the guests would be comfortable, that they would like both the Hall and the repertoire.
The owners are working hard to create this project. They still have many tasks to be solved. And they are gradually correcting the shortcomings.
We wish them success and continuous growth!
Let this hall become a bright place of attraction for the modern musical cultural life of our beautiful city ..
GISMETEO: How to admire a thunderstorm and not get hit by it? – About the weather
The synoptic situation determines the stormy weather in Russia. Meridional processes, the heap of areas of heat and cold, and a variety of weather systems give creative freedom for convective phenomena.
© shutterstock.com
The weather reports are full of summer storms. In the last 24 hours alone, several dozen unfavorable and dangerous weather phenomena associated with violent convection have been recorded. For example, on the night of June 12-13, a very heavy rain with a thunderstorm took place in the Tver region, bringing 63 mm of precipitation. In the Ulyanovsk region, hail with a diameter of up to 3 mm was noted. In Crimea (Dzhankoy), 39 mm of precipitation fell in half an hour, in the Stavropol Territory (Kursavka) – 62 mm. In Kabardino-Balkaria (Kamennomostskoe) hail fell with a diameter of 7–10 mm.
Since the convective element is very dangerous, we will give some tips on how to recognize a thundercloud and understand if it poses a threat to you.
Storm warnings will give only a general picture of the fact that in a given area at such and such a time interval, the weather is a certain danger. But they will not tell you exactly when and where the storm will be. For meteorologists, forecasting the weather in summer is much more difficult than in winter, because thunderstorms are small-scale, short-term events. You can only predict the likelihood of their appearance in a given place at a given time.
Satellite and radar observations provide specific information about the location of thunderstorms, where the thunderstorm is moving and how strong it is.
How to recognize a thundercloud and determine how dangerous it is? Here are some simple tips.
A thundercloud is easy to see in a relatively open area in the absence of other clouds, because it grows in height, looks very bright due to sunlight and looks like cauliflower in its early stages.
© shutterstock.com
At the stage of maturity, a so-called anvil is often formed in the upper part. This is due to the fact that the upper boundary of the cloud reaches the tropopause (average height is about 12 km) and cannot grow further, but expands to the sides.
© shutterstock.com
The base of the thundercloud is dark and clearly defined in the initial stages. This means that the cloud is saturated with warm humid air. If the wind blows towards a thundercloud, it means that the thunderstorm continues to intensify.
During the ripening stage, streaks of rain and hail can often be seen under the base of the cloud, resembling a curtain.
© shutterstock.com
When the energy absorbed by the cloud begins to return back, a flurry gate appears at the base of the cloud – a dramatic cloud wall. As a rule, this is accompanied by squally gusts of wind (popularly, this phenomenon is sometimes called a hurricane). After a while, the thunderstorm begins to subside.
© shutterstock.com
How to save yourself from a thunderstorm? Avoid standing under trees and masts. If possible, take cover in buildings or vehicles that are parked away from trees. Remember that underground passages can be flooded with rainstorms.
Let us remind you that you have in your hands a real tool for forecasting showers, thunderstorms and hail – this is the Gismeteo radar . In the legend, a blue field (from blue to dark blue) means the intensity of precipitation, pink – areas of thunderstorms, yellow – areas of hail.
The forecast is updated every 10 minutes and is made three hours in advance.Based on the characteristics of the radio echo, radars calculate the phenomena and their intensity. The transport model calculates the future location of convective phenomena.
It should be noted that the entire territory of Russia does not yet have a continuous radar coverage. The meteorological radar field is widely represented in the European part of the country. In Siberia, you can track thunderstorms in the region of Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Tomsk. In the Far East, radar observations operate in Primorye.
Thunderstorm, downpour, hail, squall, tornado … What unites them?
The warm season has begun.And completely different clouds began to occupy the heavenly space. There are no longer low gray endless cloud arrays covering the entire sky at once. They were replaced by other clouds, which dynamically, literally before our eyes, grow up several kilometers. They are also called clouds of vertical development, or convective clouds. They can extend through the entire thickness of the troposphere, sometimes their tops can pierce the tropopause and penetrate into the stratosphere.
Why is deep convection dangerous?
Deep, penetrating (into the stratosphere) – this is how meteorologists characterize intense convection in the atmosphere.Convection develops in an unstable atmosphere, when air masses at the surface of the earth turn out to be lighter than air located in higher layers – intensive vertical mixing of air begins. The rise of air masses causes them to cool, condensation of water vapor occurs with the release of a colossal amount of latent heat. And, the higher the relative humidity and the higher the temperature in the underlying layers, the greater the instability, the higher the developing clouds can be.Showers falling out of them are accompanied by lightning discharges, thunder, hail, while squalls are noted, sometimes tornadoes are formed. All this, even when each of the phenomena does not meet the criterion of a dangerous hydrometeorological phenomenon, in combination can become a complex of unfavorable weather conditions. They can harm people, animals, economy, infrastructure. Very heavy rainfalls can lead to floods on rivers, cause sudden (rapidly developing) floods. Intense thunderstorm activity poses a great danger to aviation, both at aircraft flight levels and in the take-off and landing zone.
What are the most common thunderstorms?
The highest frequency of occurrence of these phenomena is observed in the warm season, especially in its first half, which is explained, first of all, by global reasons. They say: “Convection follows the sun.” After the snow cover has melted, an intensive heating of the surface occurs, from which the air masses are heated. An increase in their temperature also leads to an increase in the ability to absorb moisture, which can evaporate from the surface – soils, water bodies, vegetation. This creates thermodynamic instability in the surface layer – the volumes of warm and humid air acquire buoyancy and rise upward. The atmosphere, in contrast to the winter period, in the warm half of the year begins to actively “move” vertically, which leads to the frequent development of vertical clouds.
Already against this large-scale background, the reasons for the next level, such as atmospheric fronts, mountainous terrain, differences in the properties of the underlying surface, boundary, land-sea, movement of air masses, advection of heat and cold at heights, etc.etc., leading to a forced rise in air masses, give each specific case its own individuality. A high, but still lower, probability of occurrence of phenomena associated with convection is also noted in the second half of the warm period. As for the intensity of showers, thunderstorms and squalls, it is maximum in the middle zone of the EPR in June and the first half of August. At the same time, its probability is not excluded earlier and later than this period. All other things being equal, convection is most intense during the daytime (it also follows the sun).The recurrence of showers, thunderstorms, hail, squalls is maximum in the period from 12 to 19 hours.
What is known about a thundercloud?
On average, it is believed that a thundercloud is 20 km in diameter and has a lifespan of 30 minutes. At every moment on the globe, there are, according to various estimates, from 1800 to 2000 thunderclouds. This equates to 100,000 thunderstorms annually on the planet. Approximately 10% of them become extremely dangerous.
How does a thundercloud form?
In general, the atmosphere should be unstable – air masses near the surface of the earth should be lighter than air located in higher layers.This is possible when the underlying surface heats up and the air mass from it, as well as the presence of high air humidity, which is the most common. Perhaps, due to some dynamic reasons, the influx of colder air masses into the overlying layers. As a result, in the atmosphere, volumes of warmer and more humid air, gaining buoyancy, rush upward, and colder particles from the upper layers go down. Thus, the heat, which the earth’s surface receives from the sun, is transported to the overlying layers of the atmosphere.This convection is called free. In the zones of atmospheric fronts, in the mountains, it is also intensified by the forced mechanism of the rise of air masses.
The water vapor in the rising air cools, condenses, forming clouds and giving off heat. Clouds grow upward, reaching a height where temperatures are below zero. Some of the cloud particles freeze, and some remain liquid. Both those and others have an electric charge. Ice particles are usually positively charged, while liquid particles are negatively charged.The particles continue to grow and begin to settle in the gravitational field – precipitation is formed. There is an accumulation of space charges. A positive charge is formed in the upper part of the cloud, and a negative one at the bottom (in fact, a more complex structure is noted, 4 space charges can be noted, sometimes it can be inversion, etc.). When the strength of the electric field reaches a critical value, a discharge occurs – we see lightning and, after a while, we hear a sound wave or thunder emanating from it.
Stages of development of a thundercloud
Usually, a thundercloud passes through three stages during its life cycle: formation, maximum development and dissipation.
In the first stage, cumulus clouds grow upward due to ascending air movements. Cumulus clouds appear as beautiful white towers. There is no precipitation at this stage, but lightning is not ruled out. This can take about 10 minutes.
At the stage of maximum development, the upward movements continue in the cloud, but at the same time, precipitation is already beginning to fall out of the cloud, and strong downward movements appear. And when this descending cooled stream with precipitation reaches the ground, a gust front, or a line of squalls, is formed. The stage of maximum cloud development is the time of the greatest probability of heavy rainfall, hail, frequent lightning, squalls and tornadoes. The cloud is usually dark in color. This stage lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, but may be longer.
Eventually, precipitation and downdrafts begin to erode the cloud. At the surface of the earth, a line of squalls extends far from the cloud, cutting it off from the source of warm and humid air that supplied it.The rainfall is decreasing, but lightning is still dangerous.
Types of thunderclouds
Single cell cloud
A single cell cloud typically lasts 20-30 minutes. Such a cloud is a rather rare occurrence, since the gust front of one cloud can trigger the formation of a cloud in the immediate vicinity.
Most often, solitary clouds do not lead to dangerous weather phenomena.The up and down currents formed in such clouds are not powerful enough for this. Nevertheless, sometimes they can provoke, albeit of a short duration, a strong downpour, hail, thunderstorm, a squall and even a weak tornado. The degree of instability in the atmosphere during the formation of such clouds is not very large, and a clear organization is not characteristic of convection. Single-cell clouds tend to form at random locations and at random times, making them very difficult to predict.
Multi-cell cloud
A multi-cell line of instability or squall line consists of a whole elongated ridge of cumulonimbus clouds with a well-defined gust front located in front of the cloud mass. A line of squalls can produce golf-ball-sized hail, heavy rainfall and light tornadoes, but its strongest downdraft remains its main feature. Occasionally, a strong downdraft can accelerate and a small section of the squall line can be pulled forward from the main line.This is how the “onion” (or “horseshoe” or “arc”) echo (English “bow echo” is often translated as “onion echo” arc). Destructive winds are often seen near the top of such a line. At any end of the arc, a closed circulation can develop, sometimes this leads to the formation of a tornado, especially in the left (usually northern) part, where the circulation will be cyclonic). Such a structure can develop not only on the squall line, but also with an isolated cloud.However, it is difficult to determine visually, but it is clearly visible on the radar (Doppler) screen.
Supercell Cloud
Supercell Cloud is a highly organized structure. They are rare but pose the greatest threat to people and infrastructure. A supercell cloud, like a single cell cloud, also has one main updraft. The difference lies in the fact that in a supercell cloud the ascending stream is very powerful, the velocities in it reach 240-260 km / h (60-80 m / s).The main characteristic that distinguishes this type of cloud from others is the presence of rotation. A rotating updraft (when visible on the radar screen, it is called a mesocyclone) contributes to extreme weather events such as giant hail (more than 5 cm in diameter), strong gusts of wind (more than 40 m / s) and violent tornadoes.
The environment is a strong factor in organizing a structure. Air flowing in from different directions maintains the rotation. Precipitation forms in a powerful updraft and is then carried away by a strong downdraft.It is unlikely that precipitation can fall down through the updraft, and this maintains the long life of the system – it does not collapse. Light rain is usually observed at the forefront of the precipitation zone. Heavy rainfall occurs closer to the updraft, with very heavy rainfall and hail to the north and east of the main updraft. The area near the main updraft is characterized by the strongest manifestations of severe weather.
What do thunderclouds look like?
Thunderclouds may look like a large cauliflower or may have an anvil.An anvil is a flat cloud formation at the top of a thundercloud. It appears when the rising warm air reaches an altitude where the ambient temperature is about the same (temperature equalization level). The growth of the cloud suddenly stops – then a flat anvil appears. If the airflow is very strong, a bubble can form above the anvil, rising above the anvil. This often happens within a few minutes. But, if a rising bubble exists for more than 10 minutes, then this indicates a high probability that the cloud is capable of producing dangerous weather phenomena.So the shape of the anvil can be used to assess the degree of danger of a thundercloud.
Why do lightning happen?
Small ice crystals and larger particles, snowflakes and ice floes are formed in the rising air in a thundercloud. Small ice crystals rise in an updraft up to the top of the cloud, while larger and heavier particles can also slowly rise upward or begin to fall downward. Particles can hit each other and receive an electrical charge.Small particles acquire a positive charge, while large particles acquire a negative charge. As a result, the upper part of the cloud is positively charged, while the middle and lower parts are negatively charged. At the same time, the ground under the cloud acquires a positive charge. When the difference in charges between the ground and the cloud becomes very large, then a conductive channel develops between the cloud and the ground, and a small charge (leader) moves along it to the ground. When near the ground, the ascending leader of the opposite charge connects to the first leader.When connected, a powerful discharge occurs between the cloud and the earth. We see this discharge as a bright flash of lightning.
Lightning Facts
During a thunderstorm, there are almost no safe places in the open air.
The vast majority of victims were struck by lightning while searching for a safe place, which turned out to be far enough.
More than 80% of deaths from lightning strikes occur in men between the ages of 15 and 40. Perhaps because they are more active and more likely to be outdoors.
Incidents occur mainly in the middle of the day and in the evening.
The energy of a lightning flash is colossal, it can provide a 100-watt lamp for 3 months. Numerous wildfires occur as a result of lightning strikes.
The air channel through which lightning travels can heat up to 10,000-33,000 ° C – this is higher than the temperature of the sun’s surface. Rapid heating and then cooling causes a blast wave that turns into sound, and we hear thunder.
How far is the thunderstorm?
During bad weather, such a simplified calculation algorithm is suitable. (In an amicable way, of course, the time elapsed since the moment of the lightning flash must be multiplied by the speed of sound, which, by the way, depends on humidity). But you can count the seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound, thunder. The sound travels 1 km in about 3 seconds. It is necessary to divide the number of seconds that elapsed from the moment of the flash before you heard the thunder by 3 and you get the distance to the thunderstorm in kilometers.For example, if thunder was heard 6 seconds after the flash, then the lightning flashed two kilometers away.
Remember that if you are outside and can hear thunder, you are in danger of being struck by lightning.
Almost all lightning incidents occur outdoors. Circumstances under which it has been most common in recent years are:
boating, horseback riding, lawn mowing, golfing, mountain climbing, camping, standing under a tree, swimming, sports, watching chasing a storm, driving a truck, fishing, running on water.
Myths and facts
Myth | Actually |
If there is no rain, then there is no danger from lightning outside | |
Rubber shoes or tires on wheels can protect against lightning | Rubber shoes or tires cannot protect against lightning.Steel parts of the car increase protection if you don’t touch them. Although you can get hurt if lightning strikes your car, it is better to be inside it than outside. |
People who have been struck by lightning must not be touched because they have received an electrical charge. | People who have been struck by lightning are not electrically charged and must be treated immediately.![]() |
Flurry – strong, gusty wind not associated with tornado rotation.These winds account for most of the destruction.
The squall speed can reach 125 m / h. The downdraft of air quickly descends from the thundercloud to the ground. It is capable of producing the same destruction as a strong tornado. It poses an extreme danger to aviation.
Dry squall – a squall that passes without rain or with a little rain.
Tornado (“tornado” in America)
Tornado (thrombus, tornado) is an intense vortex with a quasi-vertical axis descending from a cumulonimbus cloud to the ground.
Tornado is a local phenomenon. Due to the low frequency of occurrence and small size of tornadoes, it is extremely rare when it is possible to measure the characteristics of a tornado using conventional meteorological observations. Therefore, each case of direct measurements of a tornado is of interest for clarifying the physical nature of its formation. The most complete data are available from NOAA specialists, since of about 2000 tornadoes (tornadoes) that form on the planet annually, about 1300 are observed in the United States.
The tornado can remain almost invisible until it draws dust and debris into its circulation or until a cloud begins to form inside the funnel. An average tornado moves from southwest to northeast. But in reality, a tornado can move in any direction.
The average speed of a tornado is 13 m / s, but it can reach 30 m / s.
According to indirect estimates, the maximum wind speed in a tornado can reach 200-300 m / s. The strongest tornado recorded in America had a speed of almost 90 m / s.322 km / h
A tornado causes catastrophic destruction due to a very significant force of wind pressure and a large pressure difference in it and in the surrounding space. Typically, a tornado descends from a cumulonimbus cloud, called the mother cloud, to the surface of land or sea, drawing in dust, sand, stones, grass and water. As the tornado approaches, a very strong noise is heard, created by the wind in the collision of various objects drawn into the rarefied central area of the tornado.
The duration of the existence of a tornado is short: from several minutes to several hours, the length of the path is on average 5-10 km, sometimes more than 30 km (in the USA, the length of a tornado’s path can reach 100 km or more). The speed of the tornado is different: from 10-20 to 60-70 km / h and more, which is mainly due to the nature of the distribution of the wind in the middle troposphere. On the territory of the former USSR, tornadoes are a relatively rare phenomenon. They are observed in the Baltics, Belarus, Ukraine, the Central regions, the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia.Water tornadoes occur off the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, off the coast of the Crimea, over the northwestern part of the Black Sea, off the coast of the Curonian and Riga Bays.
Tornadoes are usually observed during the warm season, they are observed at any time of the day.
The Fujita scale, which determines the tornado hazard category, is based on an assessment of the wind speed and the damage produced:
Category | Speed, m / s | Speed, km / h | Repeatability, % of cases | Tornado characteristic |
F0 | 18 – 32.5 | 64 – 116 | 38.9 | Storm.Damages chimneys and television towers, breaks old trees, demolishes signs |
F1 | 32.5 – 50 | 117 – 180 | 35.![]() | Moderate. Tears off roofs from houses, demolishes mobile homes from foundations, moves cars |
F2 | 50 – 70 | 181 – 253 | 19.4 | Significant. Tears off roofs from houses, destroys mobile homes, uproots large trees, knocks out windows |
F3 | 70 – 92.5 | 254 – 332 | 4.9 | Strong.Tears off roofs from houses and breaks some walls, knocks over trains, uproots most trees, lifts heavy vehicles into the air |
F4 | 92.5 – 116.5 | 333 – 418 | 1.1 | Destructive … Raises light houses into the air, partially or completely destroys durable houses, carries cars over a considerable distance |
F5 | 116.![]() | more than 419 | less than 0.1 | Incredible.Demolishes solid houses from the foundation and carries them over considerable distances, tears off asphalt, carries heavy vehicles over a distance of 100 meters |
How does a tornado form?
The formation of tornadoes is largely due to the instability of atmospheric stratification. However, the formation of tornadoes, even with great instability of the atmosphere, is extremely rare. Existence in the atmosphere and other favorable conditions for their formation is necessary.
Tornadoes are usually associated with two types of mesoscale circulation:
– with clouds with a horizontal axis of rotation (swirling cloud bank), observed on lines of instability (squall lines) ahead of rapidly moving cold fronts.
– with clouds rotating around the vertical axis. The latter type of circulation is more common on cold fronts, along which mesoscale cyclonic eddies move.
In the front part of the mother cloud, initially, before the tornado emerges, there is a cloud shaft rotating in the direction of travel.Most often, tornadoes appear on the right side of the cloud (in the direction of its movement), representing, as it were, a continuation of the right side of a rotating shaft, while cyclonic rotation of the wind is observed. There are cases when anticyclonic wind rotation occurs in a tornado.
Tornadoes are associated with mesoscale cyclonic circulation in the layers above the tornado, the diameter of which is from several kilometers to 50 km, and in height it extends up to 10-12 km. This type of circulation is called “cyclone-tornado”.On the radar screen, the cyclone-tornado looks like a horseshoe-shaped formation with a gap in the center.
The development of the storm is preceded by the formation of an invisible rotating shaft due to vertical wind shear with a horizontal area | The rolling shaft falls into a zone with upward movements that begin to lift it in the vertical plane | rotation measuring 2-6 miles, penetrates much of the storm.Most tornadoes form in these strong spinning areas |
According to NOAA, 88% of all tornadoes are weak. They account for less than 5% of deaths. Their lifespan is 1-10 minutes. Wind speed less than 110 m / h. Produce destruction category EF1.
Strong tornadoes account for 11% of all cases. They are responsible for about 30% of deaths. Their lifespan is 20 minutes or more.The wind speed in them is from 111 to 165 m / h. The destruction they cause is categorized as EF2 or EF3.
Less than 1% of tornadoes reach Category 4 or 5 on the Fujita scale. But they account for 70% of fatal incidents. May last more than 1 hour. The maximum wind speed in them is more than 160 m / s.
Forecasting such intense eddies as tornadoes, blood clots, tornadoes is an extremely important and difficult task. This requires a dense Doppler radar network.Even if it is present, the most effective is the early detection and forecasting of already existing systems.
On the screen, a tornado looks like a small area where red (indicating the wind moving away from the radar) and green (the wind blowing radar) come very close to each other. | |
Strong tornado observed in Oklahoma. |
Myths and truths about tornadoes (according to American meteorologists)
Myth | Lakes, rivers and mountains protect the neighboring territory from tornadoes | There are practically no safe places.A tornado near Yellowstone National Park made a devastating journey uphill to 10,000 feet and descended | |
Tornado causes buildings to explode as they enter the vortex | |||
Open windows will be able to equalize atmospheric pressure outside and inside | In fact, all buildings are not airtight anyway.We must leave the windows closed. We urgently need to go to the shelter – basement, basement, or the safest room. If there is nothing suitable, you need to go as far as possible from the windows into the interior of the room | ||
Spaces under the highways can be safe | Quite the opposite. The spaces under the highways are very dangerous during tornadoes. If you are in a car, you urgently need to seek refuge in a solid building. Only as a last resort, you can stay in the car, but you must definitely wear your seat belt.In this case, you must try to lower your head below the glass and close it with your hands. If somewhere nearby there is a place located below the level of the road, then you can get out of the car and lie down, hugging the ground and covering your head with your hands. And, of course, depending on the specific circumstances, your choice may be to drive fast away from the tornado | ||
You can hide in bathrooms, washrooms or in the hallways of mobile houses | Mobile homes are not designed for the power of a tornado! Everyone living in such homes should keep in mind in the event of a tornado the paths to quickly reach the shelter in the nearest permanent buildings |
Flash floods
Flash (rapidly developing) floods occur for several hours (usually less than 6 hours ) heavy and very heavy rains, when dams can break through, when water that has accumulated above due to ice jam quickly breaks through.
Flash floods are the first cause of death during thunderstorms. More than half of drowning cases occur when a vehicle is dragged into a stream of water. Most of the disasters associated with flash floods occur at night. The rapid flow of water 15 cm high can knock a person off their feet. The 60cm high stream can blow away vehicles including SUVs and pickup trucks.
A strong updraft of air carries rain drops upward from a thundercloud to heights, where at negative temperatures they freeze.Ice particles grow and become heavy. They can no longer be supported by air currents and begin to fall down. Hail is larger than ice grains (with which it is often confused) and only forms during a thunderstorm.
Large hailstones can fall at a speed of 100 m / h. In the USA, hailstones of 15-20 cm in size, with a circumference of up to 42-47 cm and weighing more than 700 grams are often observed.On July 23, 2010, an incredible amount of hail fell in Viviana, South Dakota. One of the hailstones, which were kept in the refrigerator, was registered by American meteorologists as a record one. Its diameter is about 20 cm, the circumference is 47.3 cm. And the weight is 880 grams. |
Large hailstones are also often noted in the south of Russia. A hazardous phenomenon is considered to be hail, the particle size of which is 20 mm or more, and falling out during any period.
But there must be something good in a thunderstorm?
Nature could not think of a thunderstorm and everything that accompanies it, just to add to the list of natural hazards.
Thunderclouds are the main way for the atmosphere to realize energy. When a cloud forms in an unstable atmosphere, an enormous amount of heat is released. It serves as a source of enormous energy of thunderclouds, which is mainly spent on precipitation, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is beneficial.
Thunderstorms help maintain electrical balance. The earth’s surface and atmosphere are conductors. Usually the earth’s surface is negatively charged and the atmosphere is positively.There is always a flow of electrons directed from inside the planet through its surface upwards. Thunderstorms allow a negative charge to be transferred back to Earth (lightning is negatively charged). In the absence of thunderstorms, the electrical balance of the earth-atmosphere would disappear in 5 minutes. And it is not known how all this would have ended in reality! (True, thunderstorms are not the only mechanism that maintains this balance. Besides it, the solar wind and the wind of the ionosphere are at work).
Of course, such global effects mean a lot for our lives.But it is much easier for us to feel positive emotions if, after observing all the rules of conduct and precautions, we go outside after a thunderstorm and breathe in deeply clean and fresh air filled with the aromas of ozone and plants that emit essential oils. Showers free the air from harmful impurities – dust, pollen, aerosols that settle on the ground.
During a thunderstorm, nitrogen oxides and nitric acid are formed, which act as natural fertilizers for plants, helping them to better generate the substances necessary for life.
It turns out that there are timeless witnesses of rapid lightning. These are fulgurites – “petrified lightning”. From Latin the word “fulgurite” is translated as “brilliant, glowing burn.” They appear as a result of lightning striking the surface of the earth, when the minerals located there are melted under the influence of heat and electrical discharge. As a result, they are solid objects, similar to smooth, curved glass tubes. Their shape and size depend on the strength of the lightning discharge and the mineral composition of the soil.Most often they are found in sandy areas – on the coast or in the desert.
Of course, the thunderstorm simply mesmerizes with its wild beauty and power. Lightning is one of the most beloved and frequent subjects of photography – both ordinary and artistic.
And how good are rainbows after rain (during daylight hours)! ..
Storm wind, lightning, hail, injured: a powerful thunderstorm struck Moscow
The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns that bad weather will rage for several more hours
The strongest thunderstorm in the last 28 years hit the capital of Russia.While the Ministry of Emergency Situations warns the townspeople about the intensification of bad weather, residents of Moscow are posting photos and videos on social networks illustrating the “scale of evil.”
According to eyewitnesses, a whole “heavenly light show” was observed over the capital – for quite a long time the Moscow sky was illuminated by lightning.
A little about the weather: my husband has been walking around the house for 20 minutes and looking for our window screens # weather # thunderstorm # lightning # rain pic.twitter.com/TSbhTGPXFG
– Belenkaya Evgenia (@ chertovka00) July 13, 2016
In addition to lightning, a stormy wind hit the capital, and in some areas a large hail fell as a “bonus”.
Thunderstorm with hail in Moscow 07/13/16 pic.twitter.com/Roz8KMJu4Z
– Irina Padalka (@padalka_irina) July 13, 2016
Also, users of social networks report about a traffic light blown down by a strong wind in the TsUM area.
– Irina Kudryavtseva (@el_viento_viene) July 13, 2016
The Ministry of Emergency Situations has not yet said anything about material damage from the rampant elements – they will calculate the losses later, however, it is already obvious that the downpour has seriously affected the life of the city.Traffic on some highways is paralyzed, some tunnels are flooded.
Almost completely all of the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road are “up”, a number of tunnels are flooded … “Alekseevskaya” partially interrupted the movement of vehicles, “- said the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the city of Moscow, adding that the thunderstorm with rain will continue in the capital until 10.00 am on July 14 with increased wind with gusts of 12-17 m / s.
Rescuers also do not exclude damage from lightning discharges to objects that are not equipped with a lightning rod, damage to power lines, damage and fall of trees and weakly reinforced advertising structures.
The most powerful thunderstorm in Moscow hit the lenses of cameras
See the related photo gallery
It is already known about several victims of the disaster. According to sources in Moscow law enforcement agencies, two men were injured by electric shock near Krymsky Val Street. Now the victims have been taken to the hospital.
Three more people were injured in the Moscow region, as a result of the collapse of a part of the metal roof structure due to strong winds.
Sports commentator MK.RU Alexei Safonov just by the will of his wife who sent him (to the store) found himself on the street in the midst of a riot of elements. Injured:
– The fact that the thunderstorm would not be ordinary at all was clear, if only because the whole street was illuminated with lightning. But for a long time it was just lightning, not even thunder was heard. About 15 minutes later a strong wind started, but it was vital for me to get to the store for milk. And I continued on my way.
There was no warning drop: the downpour covered instantly, and in a second I was completely wet. By the way, the fact that there was no umbrella played into the hands: he still would not have saved the water, but he would have taken it to the ISS. I, a 93-kilogram boy, was knocked down.
The visibility was maximum 10 meters, the rain was gushing in a continuous mass, and the seas and oceans instantly appeared on the roads. Running under such a downpour was also not very good: I was really choking. Branches were constantly falling from the trees, and all the lights were turned off from the blow of one of the lightning.
Alas, even at home the problems are not over. A huge puddle poured on the floor by the window of the room, although the window itself was closed, and on the windowsill it was dry. How she got there – I have no idea, but the only option is that the most powerful pressure of water simply “pierced” some cracks in the good old Soviet building.
Let us remind you that a thunderstorm of a similar scale (even stronger) struck Moscow in 1998. It was accompanied by a hurricane wind and led to serious problems in the city – numerous gusts of power lines, destruction of public transport stops, falling trees and billboards, partial collapse of balconies and damage to personal property of citizens, including cars.
Time in the city of Tulle ‘t Val dnes
night 0 : 00 +13 ° C Krekki djdove : weak vyatar , north-west
speed: 4 m / s
Poriv to vyatra: 9 m / s
78 nalyagane
Relative humidity in the air: 96%
Cloudy: 100%
Deadwood sum: 0.1 mm.
Visibility: 93%
3 : 00 +11 ° C Cloudy
breeze: breeze -western
speed: 3 m / s
Poriv on Vyatara: 8 m / s
Atmospheric nalagane: gPa Relative humidity air: 95%
Cloudy: 100%
Visibility: 100%
sutrin 6 : 00 +10 Much cloudy
Breeze: lec breeze , westernized
speed: 907 81 2 m / s
Poriv on Vyatara: 5 m / s
Atmospheric nalagane: 1027 hPa
970780 Relative humidity %
9781 Cloudy:
Visibility: 100%
9 : 00 ° C A lot cloudy
0 : lek breeze , western
speed: 2 m / s
Poriv to Vyatara: 6 m / s
Atmospheric g.
Relative air humidity: 85%
Cloudy: 100%
Visibility: 100%
den 12 : 00 +14 ° C Short djdove
Breeze: weak vyatyr 90 , northwest
speed: 4 m / s
Poriv to Vyatara: 7 m / s
Atmospheric nalagane: 1027 hPa 1027 hPa 1027 hPa 1027 hPa 1027 hPa 1027 hPa 1027 hPa
Cloudy: 100%
Deadwood sum: 0.2 mm.
Visibility: 100%
15 : 00 +15 ° C Short djdove
speed: 5 m / s
Poriv on Vyatara: 9 m / s
Atmospheric nalagane: 1027 g Pa on the air: 67%
Cloudy: 100%
Deadwood sum: 0.1 mm.
Visibility: 100%
evening 18 : 00 +14 ° C
7 970787 weak vyatar , northwest
speed: 5 m / s
Poriv to vyatra: 9 m / s
Atmospheric 8 nalyagane
Relative humidity in the air: 74%
Cloudy: 95%
Dead weight: 0.1 mm.
Visibility: 100%
21 : 00 +10 ° C Much cloudy
breeze western
speed: 3 m / s
Poriv to vyatara: 7 m / s
Atmospheric nalagane: 1025 hPa 4 Humidity 9086 hPa 4 : 92%
Cloudy: 94%
Visibility: 96%
907 9000 9000
Stepper motor FL86STH
Main characteristics
Main characteristics
Full step value, deg | 1.8 |
Angular step error, deg | ± 0.09 |
Resistance error of motor windings,% | 10 |
Error of inductance of motor windings,% | 20 |
Maximum radial runout of the motor shaft, mm | 0.02 |
Maximum axial runout of the motor shaft, mm | 0.08 |
Maximum permissible axial load on the shaft, N | 60 |
Maximum permissible radial load on the shaft, N | 220 |
Description of FL86STH Series Hybrid Stepper Motor
Powerful and dynamic FL86STH stepper motors are the best solution for machine tools with
CNC for working with
plastic, wood and aluminum alloys.
CNC programs for CNC machines: DeskCNC, Turbocnc and MACh4. Control devices: SMSD ‑ 4.2LAN,
SMSD ‑ 8.0LAN, SMD ‑ 4.2DIN,
SMD ‑ 8.0DIN.
Item | Operating current / phase | Resistance / phase | Inductance / phase | Max.moment 1 | Length | Moment of inertia of the rotor | Weight | Email scheme | |
Shaft on one side | Shaft on both sides | A | Ohm | mH | kg * cm | mm | g * cm 2 | kg | |
FL86STH65-2808A | FL86STH65-2808B | 2.8 | 1.4 | 3.9 | 34 | 65 | 1000 | 1.7 | 1 |
FL86STH80-4208A | FL86STH80-4208B | 4.2 | 0.75 | 3.4 | 46 | 80 | 1400 | 2.3 | 1 |
FL86STh218-6004A | FL86STh218‑6004B | 6.0 | 0.6 | 6.5 | 87 | 118 | 2700 | 3.8 | 2 |
FL86STh218-4208A | FL86STh218-4208B | 4.2 | 0.9 | 6 | 87 | 118 | 2700 | 3.8 | 1 |
FL86STh256-6204A | FL86STh256‑6204B | 6.2 | 0.75 | 9 | 122 | 156 | 4000 | 5.4 | 2 |
FL86STh256-4208A | FL86STh256-4208B | 4.2 | 1.25 | 8 | 122 | 156 | 4000 | 5.4 | 1 |
Overall and connecting dimensions of FL86STH65 stepper motors
Overall and connecting dimensions of FL86STH80 stepper motors
Overall and connecting dimensions of FL86STh218 stepper motors
Overall and connecting dimensions of FL86STh256 stepper motors
FL86STH stepper motors wiring diagram
Serial connection Parallel connection
Scheme 1 Scheme 2
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